Mersey Community Hospital

Torquay Rd, Latrobe TAS 7307, Australia
18 Torquay Road Latrobe Tasmania 7307 AU

The Mersey Community Hospital has 95 beds and offers general and specialist health services to the region.

In 2017/18 the Mersey dealt with 28,464 presentations to emergency, 10,735 inpatient admissions, 31,102 outpatient visits and conducted 5,025 operations.

The Mersey is fully accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. We have a comprehensive undergraduate and graduate clinical training program and have close ties with the University of Tasmania through the Rural Clinical School and with TAFE Tasmania.

We have a dedicated team of more than 610 staff committed to providing quality healthcare services to our community.

The Mersey is an integral part of the Tasmanian Health Service and we work closely with other hospitals and primary health services to meet the needs of patients across the region.